Sunday, November 9, 2008

osceola, ia

pace getting down to 55 miles or so per day. daylight waning. roads
today were a c minus at best. same stuff to see. i try to look for
things that stand out of the ordinary but am pretty unsuccessful.
farm, cattle, buick, buick. i really enjoy riding when the roads are
good but it's frustrating when they're not. the worst is when i'm
struggling up a hill and eddie money (or as the dj says, "the money
man") comes on the radio. i can't stop moving so i have to suffer.
eddie money, i curse thy name.

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G-Rob said...

Riding across the plains states, riding in wicked weather, riding on crappy gravel roads,
losing a wallet and being stuck...all of these things pale to having to listen to Money Man for any amount of time. Ray...I feel you, bro. That's just f*cking awful.

Unknown said...

Man, I got two tickets to paradise. Are you kidding? Eddie Money is the shizz. For real. How can you guys diss him? I'm not it gets any better than Take Me Home Tonight. Ray - don't lie, you wear an shirt partially unbuttoned with a skinny black tie just like the Money Man. And you should...because he's awesome.

Good work on the riding, kiddo. You're more of a man than me...

ton pere said...

Better get some hand/foot warmers. Who is Eddie Money? Ton Pere

G-Rob said...


You're a chode and should stop going to so many State Fairs and basing your musical catalog on the crap you hear there.

If anything, Ray, hearing Money Man gives you the extra oomph you might need to get you up that hill even quicker.

Yes, hurry to Indiana. Harmonov has two tickets to Paradise waiting for you.