Saturday, June 25, 2011

break from the heat

Hello fellow skiers and ski-ettes.

My friend Ben and I went to Craigieburn today, it was a blast.  These club ski fields are something else.  The terrain is as ridiculous as you want it to be, the rope tows are a challenge in themselves, and the mountains are spectacular.  In interviews, Aaron Brill, the founder of Silverton, says he got the idea for that mountain after a trip to Craigieburn.  

This nutcracker tow is famous even in NZ because it goes around a corner.  That's my hand at the bottom.  Remember, this thing is hauling ass.  Get it wrong and you have your knuckles flattened.  Taking the photo was a pretty respectable feat.

That's an old Ford tractor in there powering the apparatus.

The goods: