Monday, September 10, 2012

Jackson, WY day 2 (rented road bike)

This morning I walked back over to Hoback Sports and rented a Specialized road bike.  It was very slick and fast, but the seat was rock-hard and I didn't have any padded shorts.  So I spent a lot of time standing on the pedals instead of sitting down.  I pedaled up Teton Pass, which is a steep grind.  There is an old road that is closed to motorized traffic, so I grunted my way up in peace.  At the top of the pass the winds were ferocious, pelting me with grit and gravel.  I hung out for awhile and took some pictures, then went down the main road.  It was wickedly steep and the gusts of wind required that I keep a tight grip on the handlebars.  The wind shot me back into Jackson, and I returned the bike to the shop mechanic who also loaned me his backpack for the day.  Nice fellow.

Before the ride I got a haircut, and the barbershop talk was all about the fire.  Although I have heard countless different rumors, the latest is that a guy was burning trash and it got out of control.  The fire has been producing a huge plume of smoke that drifts over the town.  Everyone walking down the street is looking up staring at it.  The winds were very strong and I saw little of the aircraft support I saw yesterday.  I can't imagine that firefighters would have much control over it.  Tomorrow is supposed to be slightly calmer but still dry and windy.

On first glance, Jackson looks like a rough-and-tumble cowboy town.  But upon closer examination, that's not quite true..  Everything is eye-wateringly expensive, and the people walking around are either tourists, big-hatted cattlemen (although they may have adopted the look), or jaded young ski-bum types.  There are surely plenty of nice people here who don't hang around downtown Jackson, trading climbing stories and growing interesting facial hair.  But I liked Missoula better.

Tomorrow is still going to be windy, but I am going to take off.  Still undecided, but maybe 287 to Dubois, Lander, Rawlins looks good.  There's a 90-mile stretch there w/o services, maybe I can dash across it.

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Passing the time

View of the fire from Teton Pass

Gotta look cool

Shabby chic in Jackson.  The Sotheby's sign is a bonus.

Jackson, WY day 1 (rented mountain bike)

Wyoming has a notorious reputation for wind, and the weather service has issued a wind advisory for today and part of tomorrow.  Currently it is raining lightly after a thunderstorm passed through, which is hopefully good for the fire.  It's not so good for riding a bicycle, though.

Yesterday I left the KOA after chatting with several racers from that 206-mile ride.  I pedaled back into Jackson which is uphill and 10 miles.  Along the way I watched the firefighters work.  They have a lot of aircraft working in such a small area.  They must have good communication.  

The smoke plume is enormous from Jackson and everyone is out watching it.  I rented a mountain bike from Hoback Sports in Jackson, and started up the Snow King ski mountain.  Up in the woods, I ran into a Forest Service firefighter who turned me back.  Then I went east of town up the Cache valley.  There were USFS closures on most of the good trails but I found one that was fun.  I heard that later in the day, a fire broke out in that area and now it's all closed.  

Last night I was thinking I'd rent a road bike today and attempt a century over Teton Pass, Victor, and back to Jackson.  But it's windy and rainy and strange outside.  Maybe I will ride it up Teton Pass and back.  Supposed to be a good climb.

I still am trying to figure out a route south of here.  There are several options, none appetizing.  I suppose I will just pick one.

Lane the bike shop guy