Monday, August 27, 2012

Hope, ID - Thompson Falls, MT

Last night the deer returned and ate my Fritos.  I heard a soft clop-clop outside my hammock, and then a -crunch crunch- as he helped himself.  I got out and shooed him off twice, then finally hiked my gear up and put it in the park restroom.

Usually in the morning I tune into Elizabeth Cook's show "Apron Strings" (pronounced "Aypron Strangs" in Appalachian), which is on Sirius 60 Outlaw Country.  She makes me laugh and plays good music.  Tune it in if you get a chance; it's on at 10am-2pm ET.

This part of Montana is incredibly beautiful.  The Clark Fork is a big, wide river.  It's in a big, wide valley with big trees and big views.  I had a gentle tailwind on the ride (as I have for the entire trip).  Later in the day the pines baked in the sun, and gave off their scent.  There's not much going on, just a few ranches and hunting/fishing-oriented businesses.

I stopped at a rural post office and a guy asked me if I had a Cuban flag.  I laughed.

The rest of the day was pretty uneventful.  I was ready to be done, as I had flakes of white salt on my face and was starting to get dehydrated.  I stopped at the Conoco for dinner (mmm) since the supermarket was too far to ride.

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This was going to be a big cinematic production but then the car showed up and I had to pay attention to the road.

Coming into Thompson Falls, where I'm spending the night

At the end of a trail leading from my campsite

Five-star accomodation