Monday, November 17, 2008

Muncie, IN

I made it home this afternoon pretty early. It was surreal. All of a sudden, after miles and miles and days of pedaling through places I had never seen, I came upon my parents' house. I think I could have gone on indefinitely across the country. However, the weather is starting to turn pretty miserable so I guess it was good to stop.

Everything always looks small when I get home. When I was a kid I always thought my street was kind of big. Now I realize that it's only about 12 feet wide. There were boulders at the end of the street, but now I see that they are just rocks.

My clothes are pretty filthy so I put on some of my dad's sweats. They barely hang around me. I weighed myself for fun and thought the scale was broken. It said 163 pounds. I haven't weighed that much since about my freshman year of high school.

I learned a few things on this trip, although I can't think of too many now.

Evil dogs

Chilly donut

Barn for Jane


Eastern Indiana sunrise

Where's Linus?

Wow, I'm really here.

Taking the flag off for the last time in the snow.