Thursday, November 6, 2008


i've noticed on this trip is that america is a very busy place. there
is industry everywhere. from the endless farmland to the towns,
people are working. all the land is spoken for and being worked. the
roads are alive with commerce. people aren't lazy around here. there
aren't many people just hanging around in the park. america works

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Atlantic, IA

The last couple of days have been slow going. I started off from the south Omaha suburbs into high winds and heavy traffic. I wouldn't say that area is a biker's paradise. No sidewalks, only the big road with fast cars. I crossed over the Missouri on a toll bridge. 50 cents. Once I got into Iowa the traffic lessened, but the winds got worse. I got onto Hwy 92 which had no shoulders and an abrupt dropoff on the side into loose gravel. The winds were so ferocious that I was being blown out into the lane out of control.

This wasn't working, so I switched over to the gravel side roads. It was slow but safer. The roads were better than the county roads in Nebraska, but still highly variable. It's very hilly here and I ended up pushing my bike up most of them. I couldn't make up any time on the way down because the winds were howling so bad that my tires couldn't keep me from going sideways; I had to slowly ski down through the gravel with my feet as outriggers and the handlebars whipping wildly. This was exhausting and unrelenting. I finally made it into Griswold, IA after dark under lightning and a tornado warning.

The storm that passed over the Rockies is headed this way, so I think I need to hole up for a few days. This morning I cruised up to Atlantic, IA which has a movie theater. Sold! I need to work on my bike as the seat back has torn from pushing against the pedals so hard. This leaves my spine pressed against the seat bars.

In Atlantic, I am staying at a huge old mansion that is pretty cool. It's filled with pianos and gas lamps and National Geographics from 1977. It may be a good candidate for a haunting; I'll find out tonight. I will probably be here until Saturday morning, when the snow is past.