Saturday, September 15, 2012

Saratoga, WY - Walden, CO

The best part of the day was the burger at the Walden bowling alley just now.  Everything else was pretty joyless.  I slept poorly and was exhausted even before getting on the bike.  Even though I kept telling myself to be happy and thankful, I had no energy and my aching legs felt like they were wrapped with barbed wire.  My skin is not faring well, with the relentless sun and wind and sunblock and heat.  My feet are raw where the seams of my shoes rub, my thighs are raw where they rub the seat.  My eyelids seem permanently windburnt and are always half-closed.

The hot, dry wind was stiff today.  Sometimes it was a crosswind, other times a welcome tailwind in which I pedaled languidly.  Crosswinds don't slow forward progress, but they blow me around and suck the breath out of my mouth.

Tomorrow is supposed to be about the same as today, although my 61-mile route to Kremmling runs due west into the headwind in a few areas.  Hopefully I sleep better and feel strong.

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Not sure what to think about me

Hello there

Entering vast North Park