Friday, May 27, 2016

Ch 13 - Kodachrome to Escalante to Calf Creek

Thought about poaching a closed trail out of Kodachrome that was a shorter route north to Henrieville.  It was apparently closed due to rockslides.  You could see it leading steeply up the side of a mountain I pedaled up to it but I was pretty tired and decided to take the paved route around out of the park.  Kodachrome is a really nice park, by the way. 

I passed through a bucolic valley along the Paria River, with sporadic ranches along the small waterway.  At the intersection of Hwy 12 there was a small lodge where I bought an Odwalla smoothie that had carrot and orange juices -- the first fruit I've had in awhile. 

The rest of the ride to Escalante was very scenic but uphill with headwinds.  I was pretty tired and hungry and passed the state park on the outskirts of town in favor of a motel room.  It required less effort and was near a little grocery.  I bought all the food I could carry and went back to my room and feasted. 

The next day, after much-needed good sleep, I pedaled along Hwy 12 to a little campground at Calf Creek.  The road passed through some crazy canyon country that was barely navigable if there wasn't a road.  Those Mormon pioneers really must have been tough to eke put an existence down here. 

The Calf Creek campground isn't as nice as Kodachrome since it's near a popular trailhead and tons of people are steaming by my campsite.  But it has water and a bench and a nice flat tent spot.  There's not much between here and Torrey which is another 60 miles or so.  It's 170 miles to Green River, where I hope to catch the Amtrak back to Glenwood or Denver. 

After setting up camp at the last spot available, a cold wind and a drizzle picked up.  I retreated into my tent for a bit to listen to the news on my Sirius pocket radio.  As the rain pattered on my tent I felt the first pangs of homesickness.  Shockingly, I am beginning to miss work.  It's probably just the rain and the mediocre campsite.  My tent is right next to the camp drive and everyone is walking/driving by and staring at me.  Should have pushed on to Boulder and gotten a room.  Or dry camped somewhere.  It's hard to know what's good until you get there.  On a bicycle, it's not like you can cruise around up and down huge hills all afternoon to find a nice campsite. 

I stocked up on lots of food in Escalante, so now I'll have a hearty dinner.  Nothing fresh, though.  I am looking forward to the next salad instead of dehydrated envelope food.