Thursday, November 13, 2008

Havana, IL

More hills and a headwind today meant that I had to stop in Havana,
which is the only town for the next 60 miles with lodging. It's a
small river town that probably used to be more of a port. There are a
couple of ancient sorry-looking barges on the Illinois Riverjust next
to town. There is a library here which I used to add some pictures to
the last few days's entries. Scroll down to see them.

Since it was evident that I wasn't going to make it to the farther
town, I cruised and took my time today. I watched the farmers take in
the last of the corn. I also got chased by dogs, as usual. It's very
green and smells good here. My favorite smell is oats or something...
Something they grow that smells really sweet. I don't know, but I
like it.