Saturday, November 8, 2008

Creston, IA

Made it to Creston, IA today. I finally got a map that showed which
roads are paved. That would have helped earlier (oops). So I found
some good roads, paved, without much traffic. It's definitely not
Indian summer anymore. It's blustery and chilly with a few snowflakes
here and there. I bundled up and was OK, although I probably looked
even more ridiculous to the farmers.

I saw a lot of the same. Farms, a few houses every mile or so.
Hills, lots of them. Some cattle. It's kind of strange being
completely by yourself and then realizing that 50 animals are all
looking at you. A couple of dogs chased me (they seem to love me). I
just yell at them as loud as I can and they stop in their tracks. I
saw a guy driving at 50 mph sitting in the passenger seat, reaching
over to steer. Don't know what that was about. Maybe he was the

There's a town in about 50 miles and one in 75. If I'm ambitious and
stay warm I can make the further one.

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