Tuesday, August 21, 2012

North Cascades NP to Winthrop, WA

The Cascades are behind me now.  Everywhere I looked on today's ride, there were serrated pinnacles and rock spires.  Climbing any of these mountains would be quite a challenge.  There were three passes to surmount.  Rainy Pass and Washington Pass were long grinds.  I was wishing for a bandanna to keep the sweat out of my eyes.  I felt OK, although the bike is no lightweight and takes some muscle to get going.  I drink this salty electrolyte mix and I think it helps.  I switched the back tire from the heavy Marathon Plus to the spare lightweight Kojak.  It noticeably makes the bike more sprightly.

Caked in salt and sunblock and chain grease, I got to the top of Washington Pass.  Sitting there were two young women with touring bikes (heyyy ladies).  They offered me cheese.  I passed eight or ten touring cyclists along the way today; it is a popular activity.

The scenery was spectacular but after awhile I just mashed on the pedals and stared at a fixed point ahead.  Steep climbs are not this bike's favorite, and it takes concentration to go in a straight line.  Eventually I mostly coasted down into Winthrop, which is a tourist joint.  I sprang for a motel since I need to wash and charge everything.  It is great.  I have the A/C cranked up and I am about to eat dinner #2.

Tomorrow I am going to head to Omak, and maybe a bit north of there.

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The face of grime

 The east side of the Cascades, drier and hotter

Winthrop fuzz

Marblemount to North Cascades National Park

Rode from Marblemount into the park to the Colonial Creek campground on the shore of Lake Diablo.  Rugged peaks are all around.  It was only 25 miles but it was pretty tough because there were a few hills involved.

Most people are tourists on this highway.  Drivers are courteous.  Hwy 20 has wide shoulders and not too much traffic.  Slow climbing is a balancing act on this bike.  

I stopped for some chow at a park convenience store.  They didn't have much.  I finally settled on some Campbell's Chunky chili.  It was adequate.  The can indicated that it was "Roadhouse" style.  That sounds very manly, and I am looking forward to getting more hair on my chest.  As Crocodile Dundee says, "You can live on it, but it tastes like shit."  But most things taste pretty good when you're hungry.  

Tomorrow I am going to go at least to Winthrop, and maybe beyond.

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Good livin'

 Dinner on the pier

Morning at Colonial Creek campground