Monday, November 10, 2008

bloomfield, ia

Fancy footwear. 2 socks inside, 1 sock outside, duct tape, neoprene, and swapped footbeds from hiking shoes.

Clowder of cats

good ride today. found good roads and winds were calm. pretty chilly
though. i'm ok except my feet get a little numb. i'll try to modify my
shoes a little tonight. i think it's getting a little flatter.
otherwise no big surprises as far as scenery. dogs still chase me,
people either wave or just stare with their mouth open. i got to a
motel this evening and stood in the shower for about 20 minutes to
warm up. then i ate about 3000 calories. not quite full yet.

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1 comment:

ton pere said...

Raymond, Bloomfield pop 2601. I'm surprised they have a motel there. Get some chemical heat to put in your feet. I wonder how it is to bike in Alaska? Ton pere.