Monday, September 10, 2012

Jackson, WY day 2 (rented road bike)

This morning I walked back over to Hoback Sports and rented a Specialized road bike.  It was very slick and fast, but the seat was rock-hard and I didn't have any padded shorts.  So I spent a lot of time standing on the pedals instead of sitting down.  I pedaled up Teton Pass, which is a steep grind.  There is an old road that is closed to motorized traffic, so I grunted my way up in peace.  At the top of the pass the winds were ferocious, pelting me with grit and gravel.  I hung out for awhile and took some pictures, then went down the main road.  It was wickedly steep and the gusts of wind required that I keep a tight grip on the handlebars.  The wind shot me back into Jackson, and I returned the bike to the shop mechanic who also loaned me his backpack for the day.  Nice fellow.

Before the ride I got a haircut, and the barbershop talk was all about the fire.  Although I have heard countless different rumors, the latest is that a guy was burning trash and it got out of control.  The fire has been producing a huge plume of smoke that drifts over the town.  Everyone walking down the street is looking up staring at it.  The winds were very strong and I saw little of the aircraft support I saw yesterday.  I can't imagine that firefighters would have much control over it.  Tomorrow is supposed to be slightly calmer but still dry and windy.

On first glance, Jackson looks like a rough-and-tumble cowboy town.  But upon closer examination, that's not quite true..  Everything is eye-wateringly expensive, and the people walking around are either tourists, big-hatted cattlemen (although they may have adopted the look), or jaded young ski-bum types.  There are surely plenty of nice people here who don't hang around downtown Jackson, trading climbing stories and growing interesting facial hair.  But I liked Missoula better.

Tomorrow is still going to be windy, but I am going to take off.  Still undecided, but maybe 287 to Dubois, Lander, Rawlins looks good.  There's a 90-mile stretch there w/o services, maybe I can dash across it.

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Passing the time

View of the fire from Teton Pass

Gotta look cool

Shabby chic in Jackson.  The Sotheby's sign is a bonus.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi there,
Gnarly ride up Teton Pass yesterday! I bet that you felt like a hero riding a light road bike. I am sure you are strong in the climbing. So sorry to hear that the weather is not cooperating!
At this time of the year without the tons of tourists, you are probably seeing an interesting version of the locals in Jackson. I have not had the opportunity to spend time in town when I have been there, so I have enjoyed your persceptive.
Why does Lane have a trash can on the back of his bike? Does it serve a purpose? Maybe he can help you rig your bike into some wind proof machine!! Just kidding! Or the fancy handle bars might come in handy! Maybe the tail wind will blow you across the 90 mile stretch w/o services. It could be your lucky day Ray!!
Ride like the wind!!
Have a Wyoming kind of day!