Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Dubois, WY - Lander, WY

Busted out 75 miles today.  Rolled into town with a decent amount of time left before sunset, which bodes well for tomorrow's epic ride to Rawlins.  There were some hills today but nothing huge.  Winds started off calm but developed into a breeze which I was riding straight into.  It was manageable but certainly cut into my cruising speed.  As the day went on it got stronger, then shifted to a crosswind.  By the end of the ride it had turned into a welcome tailwind.

My incredible streak of zero flat tires came to an end when I ran over something that left a nice slice in my tire.  I patched it up, installing a tire boot over the cut.  It's time-consuming to change flats on this bike but I welcomed the diversion.  I noticed that the Kojak tires are starting to look pretty ragged.  At some point I may need to switch to the Marathon Plus tractor tires in my bag.

Most of the ride today was through the Wind River Indian Reservation.  I stopped at a little store in the middle of nowhere that sold gas and groceries.  There, I loaded up on snacks and then went outside to make a sandwich.  There was an elderly lady sitting on a bench who invited me to sit with her.  I did, and we talked for awhile.  Her name was Barbara and she used to work for the Shoshone tribe, getting grants for them from the government.  Deep lines crossed her face and she couldn't hear so well.  She was very sweet.  Just then, looking at her, I had the strangest feeling.  She looked uncannily like a girl I used to date, although 40 years older.  It didn't seem appropriate to tell her this observation, but it was a reminder of how quickly time passes by in life.

Rolled into Lander and got a room so I can sleep well in preparation for tomorrow.  I was just about to jump into the shower when I realized I needed another sandwich.  I ate a sandwich over the bathroom sink while the shower was warming up.  Still starving after cleaning up, I went over to Safeway and loaded up with bread and meat and cookies and bananas and extra water bottles.  I was honestly salivating as I walked around the store.  After paying for my things, I went to a Thai joint across the street and got a mound of pad thai noodles in a carry-out box.  Came back to the room and decimated the food; it didn't stand a chance.  I am satisfied for now, but I wouldn't be surprised if I got up in the middle of the night and ate about ten cookies.  So hungry all of the time.

Tomorrow I am going to make it to Rawlins.  It's 125 miles, longer than I've ever ridden a bicycle.  There's not much supplies along the way (zero, in fact), so I am going to pack eight liters of water and the food I bought at Safeway.  It will be quite a challenge, but I think I can handle it.  I set my alarm for 4:30am and I will be rolling at first light.  There will be no stopping.

Unfortunately, my Sirius radio has quit working.  I have an audiobook on my phone about the 1967 Arab-Israeli war, which occupied me for about five hours today.  Looking on the Vail library website now for a couple more options.

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Without going into detail, I used about a quarter of this on the ride today.

Outside Dubois

Into the empty

Fixing a flat.  Several cars slowed down to stare at me while I was doing this.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi there,
After all the miles you have rode your bike, I have no doubt that you will conquer this long ride. You are in great shape. It is a "Wyoming Triple Bypass" without the high elevation. We can call it " Into the Empty Bypass."
The road rash that you are using the vaseline on I am sure is unpleasant and painful. I do not think I want details. Ha!!
I will sending you good energy your way today in hopes of plenty of sunshine and a tail wind!
Ride steady and strong!!
Enjoy your day!!