Tuesday, August 21, 2012

North Cascades NP to Winthrop, WA

The Cascades are behind me now.  Everywhere I looked on today's ride, there were serrated pinnacles and rock spires.  Climbing any of these mountains would be quite a challenge.  There were three passes to surmount.  Rainy Pass and Washington Pass were long grinds.  I was wishing for a bandanna to keep the sweat out of my eyes.  I felt OK, although the bike is no lightweight and takes some muscle to get going.  I drink this salty electrolyte mix and I think it helps.  I switched the back tire from the heavy Marathon Plus to the spare lightweight Kojak.  It noticeably makes the bike more sprightly.

Caked in salt and sunblock and chain grease, I got to the top of Washington Pass.  Sitting there were two young women with touring bikes (heyyy ladies).  They offered me cheese.  I passed eight or ten touring cyclists along the way today; it is a popular activity.

The scenery was spectacular but after awhile I just mashed on the pedals and stared at a fixed point ahead.  Steep climbs are not this bike's favorite, and it takes concentration to go in a straight line.  Eventually I mostly coasted down into Winthrop, which is a tourist joint.  I sprang for a motel since I need to wash and charge everything.  It is great.  I have the A/C cranked up and I am about to eat dinner #2.

Tomorrow I am going to head to Omak, and maybe a bit north of there.

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The face of grime

 The east side of the Cascades, drier and hotter

Winthrop fuzz

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi there,
The bike sounds like quite the workout. Great job Ray chugging up the mountain passes!! Beautiful scenery that you just rode through!!