Tuesday, November 11, 2008

donnellson, ia

Who said it was flat in Iowa?

Rainy farm

Des Moines River -- crossed four times

made it 50 miles to this settlement today. it's about all i had in me.
it was like being in the spin cycle. lots of wind and rain and hills.
i stayed pretty warm but damp. learned that wool really does insulate
even when wet. i saw another guy on a bicycle today. he was old and
toothless and looked like he probably slept in barns. it's getting
greener here. some pretty woods and old buildings. it's only 15 miles
to the mississippi and illinois. supposed to be better weather the
next few days.

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1 comment:

danger said...

It says you're about 980 miles from Eagle, that's really good Ray. Wouldn't be nice weather for riding around here this week. It has been snowing and is supposed to continue on and off all week. Good for getting the season under way soon hopefully.

I think you can consider yourself on the home stretch once you hit Illinois. Good going, we hope that the weather stays favorable for you.