Thursday, November 6, 2008


i've noticed on this trip is that america is a very busy place. there
is industry everywhere. from the endless farmland to the towns,
people are working. all the land is spoken for and being worked. the
roads are alive with commerce. people aren't lazy around here. there
aren't many people just hanging around in the park. america works

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Susan Ringoen said...

Hi Ray - Susan (Current) Ringoen checking in here -- Very cool adventure you're on -- had fun reading your blog --I'm inspired! "You GO!"

Bryan J Read, MSN, CRNA said...

Yo Ray, Jeff sent me the link to your blog, I basically read the whole thing in one sitting. Your my current hero. What a great trip. Be safe, I had to unload from my bike around 20 mph earlier this week on Sandy Ave. to avoid the Minivan mom that nearly ended me. Fortunately the Fools Progress is still in effect, I patched things up on my ride and rode into work this morning. Keep the rubber down.
Bryan Read (of the Bryan and Michelle Portland clan)
PS: I grew up about 20 miles from Muncie in Union City, IN