Sunday, October 26, 2008

Sterling - windy day

well i regret once again the lack of pictures. long brutal day today,
esp the last 35 miles or so which had me going into a fierce headwind.
could hardly keep the bike upright. hard to wax philosophical in such
conditions but i thought a bit about why i wanted to do this trip. i
wanted to see the plains, experience a little of what oregon trail
emigrants must have seen. -continued

i guess what i learned today is that it gets windy out here. i
suppose today's landscape is a lot different than theirs. no barb
wire, gas wells, or cattle back then. tomorrow i'm going to get to
julesberg. need a bike shop desperately. 5 flats in 2 days. my
tires are shredded from thorns. fixing flats is tedious on this bike.
physically tired-ish but ought to be ok if i can keep pumping in
calories and water. 60 miles to julesberg tomorrow. daylight is
precious, gotta start early. fingers crossed, tailwind and no flats!

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