Sunday, October 26, 2008


Finally decided to send a note via keyboard to send another note. Was
typing on my phone to send the other blog entries. It's difficult.
But now I guess I don't have much more to say except that I'm basking
in the luxurious glory of the Colonial Motel in Sterling. After a
long day, it's wonderful. Beats hanging out in the tent. I'll camp
tomorrow night. Gets down to the 20s so it's a little chilly in the

Can't say that I observed a whole bunch today, seeing as I was
concentrating on keeping the bike on the road. There's not too much
time for stopping since daylight is short and I have to get somewhere.
I did see lots of cows, farms, and, umm, farm related things like
horses and trucks. Hopefully tomorrow will bring friendly winds and
easier travel.

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