Monday, October 27, 2008

ok i recant

OK, scratch all that. I mean, what self-respecting intrepid tourer would quit because of a lost wallet? Maybe a broken leg, but not a lost driver's license. As I was thinking the preceding thought, a good Samaritan farmer type dude called. Said he found my wallet in the street. I guess I owe karma now.


Amy said...

Tough day, dude. I'm glad you are not giving up. Do it for the kids at home.

ton pere said...

Raymond, You are amazing. I woke up feeling sorry for you. Try using a pocket with a zipper.

Slim Pickens said...

Hey Dude! Your old friend from the machine shop (Jerry), here! I got your blog from your friend mr. all I can say is...Keep on truckin' my friend! Have a safe trip!

Austin said...

If I have to ride my bike out there to punch you in the stomach, I will. Do not quit, it may even get worse. This is far too cool of an adventure to get discouraged, ever.

G-Rob said...

That's awesome you got your wallet back. Hang in there. And seriously, what is up with all the thorns, for crying out loud?

I hear Sterling is nice this time of year, so enjoy.

Unknown said...

Glad you're sticking with it, homey. If you didn't I might have to ride out there on my bike and escort you back to the Promised Land. Parked cars of the Plains beware!

Looking forward to more posts. Keep 'em coming.

volfan said...

sounds like you could use an old Lincoln to haul all that equipment around. Hang in there Ray and be safe, you're doing something you can look back on and always be proud of. Jim