Tuesday, October 28, 2008


thanks for the well wishes all. amazing what a few words will do to
morale. i'll depart sterling as soon as i get my replacement gear out
here. can say i've seen most of this town. lots of trains carrying
coal. some cool old buildings from railroad days gone by. an
enormous post office that must've been built with the idea that this
town would be the next denver. eager to get back on the road. looks
pretty desolate out to the east. hopefully there's a radio station.

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LiftedLive said...

Damn Ray, this is a great story already, lost wallet, buffalo hairball, farm stuff ... I wish I was riding with you, but i'd probably need some acid, ha ha ... soldier on my friend, and your returned wallet is a definite karma signal from the universe that you are on the right track. I seriously wish I was there.


Slim Pickens said...

Hey Ray, Having a great time reading your blog...I gotta say it's a tremendous undertaking, but I know you can do it! The return of your wallet must have cheered you greatly! Rock On!

Unknown said...

Ray, you're such a trooper! I so admire your positive attitude and perseverance. I hope you're having fun despite the hiccups. The blog is great - thanks for including the rest of us! Michelle