Monday, September 10, 2012

Jackson, WY day 1 (rented mountain bike)

Wyoming has a notorious reputation for wind, and the weather service has issued a wind advisory for today and part of tomorrow.  Currently it is raining lightly after a thunderstorm passed through, which is hopefully good for the fire.  It's not so good for riding a bicycle, though.

Yesterday I left the KOA after chatting with several racers from that 206-mile ride.  I pedaled back into Jackson which is uphill and 10 miles.  Along the way I watched the firefighters work.  They have a lot of aircraft working in such a small area.  They must have good communication.  

The smoke plume is enormous from Jackson and everyone is out watching it.  I rented a mountain bike from Hoback Sports in Jackson, and started up the Snow King ski mountain.  Up in the woods, I ran into a Forest Service firefighter who turned me back.  Then I went east of town up the Cache valley.  There were USFS closures on most of the good trails but I found one that was fun.  I heard that later in the day, a fire broke out in that area and now it's all closed.  

Last night I was thinking I'd rent a road bike today and attempt a century over Teton Pass, Victor, and back to Jackson.  But it's windy and rainy and strange outside.  Maybe I will ride it up Teton Pass and back.  Supposed to be a good climb.

I still am trying to figure out a route south of here.  There are several options, none appetizing.  I suppose I will just pick one.

Lane the bike shop guy

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi there,
There has to be a sense of urgency to get the fire under control since it is so close to the town. By the photos it looks very close to town. Bummer!
Riding up Teton Pass sounds like fun, there is also a fun single track ride down Teton Pass.( well you have to climb one mile from the top of the pass before you start down)
Drawing straws is always an interesting solution to your destiny route through southern Wyoming. Hmmm! Or I guess you could flip a coin. Hopefully the wind will be calm and a tail wind would be nice!
Have a great day!!