Thursday, September 6, 2012

Canyon Village, Yellowstone NP - Lake Village, Yellowstone NP

The weather took a turn for the worse today and I found myself heading into a dead-on headwind as I went south.  Stopped to see the Mud Volcano in all its sulfuric glory.  Mostly I was worried about tonight's weather, which is supposed to dip to the high 20s with chance of precipitation.  Another night to get a room, I believe.  The park's hotels are all full, and there were no cancellations.  Pretty un-psyched about spending the evening at the campground in my quasi-adequate camp gear.  Just met some nice government employees who said I could stay at a staff cabin nearby.  As little as I like to take charity, tonight it seems like a good idea.

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi there,
The weather will shift to be better. Maybe the universe wanted you to take It a little easy today!! You are always so hospitable to people that you meet, so now is your turn to accept. The Tetons are close you will soon be there.
Do not get discouraged!
Have fun!