Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Vail, CO

Some predictions are in order about this endeavor.  When I'm finished, I can come back and read what I wrote and see where I was wrong.  Basically I think everything will be fantastic except southern WY / NE Colorado.  That empty, hot, treeless, white swath on the map, with no rivers coming out of it, sounds diabolical.  But I won't have to deal with that for awhile.  I can't wait to start climbing into North Cascades National Park, which should be a fine opener.  Nice and steep.  I've been climbing on Vail Pass with regularity, and can hammer up it pretty well on my lightweight stick bike.  Climbing is good.

I'm a bit nervous of course.  I think it will stay with me until a day or two into the trip.  There's a detachment process where at first you're still swimming in the thoughts of the world you left.  Then present realities override whatever you were worrying about before.  That's one of the greatest appeals of bike touring.  Your mind is concentrated so much on your tires, the time, your water/fuel, and your route that it doesn't leave room for other worries.

This pile of stuff has been accumulating for a little while.  Sometimes I walk by and throw something on, or take something off.

These bar exam books are being returned at the end of the week.  Last test is on Friday.  It will be nice to be rid of them.


Unknown said...

Hello there,
You a such a beautiful writer I am looking forward to following you on this journey. Did you get your nutrition together for the trip or can I help somehow?

Ray Dixon said...

Hi Patti! I hope to have some stories to tell you. I got some powdered electrolyte potion but I'm still on the lookout for some protein supplements. I should be able to find something in Seattle.