Thursday, November 13, 2008

Havana, IL

More hills and a headwind today meant that I had to stop in Havana,
which is the only town for the next 60 miles with lodging. It's a
small river town that probably used to be more of a port. There are a
couple of ancient sorry-looking barges on the Illinois Riverjust next
to town. There is a library here which I used to add some pictures to
the last few days's entries. Scroll down to see them.

Since it was evident that I wasn't going to make it to the farther
town, I cruised and took my time today. I watched the farmers take in
the last of the corn. I also got chased by dogs, as usual. It's very
green and smells good here. My favorite smell is oats or something...
Something they grow that smells really sweet. I don't know, but I
like it.

1 comment:

LiftedLive said...

Nice. Hey I have written the muncie newspaper email several times to tell them whats you're up to, but nobody has gotten back to me. There must be more interesting things happening in muncie that trumps your adventure, like maybe some guy hit a deer with his car or something, or maybe some kid was caught in the park with pot. I don't know ... rock on bro we're all pullin' for ya!