Sunday, November 16, 2008

Frankfort, IN

Today was a fine day. I had some hills in between Danville and
Attica, but made up for lost time when it flattened out. I had the
wind at my back and rolled into Frankfort in no time. I listened to
some Prairie Home Companion followed by the Colts. Even the dogs gave
me a pass today, for the most part.

I found the library and hooked up to an internet terminal, but once
again the computer wouldn't read my camera. I have some photos, but
they will have to wait.

Frankfort has a Pizza King, a Village Pantry, and a Marsh supermarket
with a girl wearing a Manning jersey at the checkout. Seems like
home. Only 60 miles and I ought to be there tomorrow night. I might
miss this, actually. I really enjoy this bike. It's also nice to
order a sundae in a five-gallon bucket and not have to worry about it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Nearing the end, mein Freund. Very impressive. Give me a ring when you're back in Muncie and rested. Perhaps we can hook up. It'd be nice to see you.

Congrats on the trip, man. I'm glad you stuck it out.